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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jan 10, 2015 1:12 am by Renesmee Cullen

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 08, 2015 3:55 pm by Angela Weber

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 17, 2014 9:49 pm by Edward Cullen

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 12:32 am by Edward Cullen

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 11, 2014 9:02 pm by Edward Cullen

» For the first time in forever (Embry, R)
what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 14, 2014 7:13 am by Calypso Calor

» what's that smell? (open)
what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 21, 2014 7:45 am by Michelle Hastings

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 10:51 pm by Edward Cullen

» Soaking up the rays. (Calypso)
what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 10:01 am by Calypso Calor


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 what's that smell? (open)

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Calypso Calor

Posts : 40
Join date : 2014-06-03

what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: what's that smell? (open)   what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 8:29 am

Calypso tilted her head. ''I suppose everyone is like that at first and I guess we're in the same boat. I don't have a family that care...'' She said before looking at Michelle. ''The wolves were my escape...a wonderful escape.'' Her mind wandered off slowly..
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Michelle Hastings
Michelle Hastings

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: what's that smell? (open)   what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 8:34 am

Michelle nodded and did smile even somehow little. "Yeah the wolfes where my escape too," she mumbled it and sighed then. She wasn't sure what else to say. "What happend with you're family then?" she asked out of curousity.
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Calypso Calor
Calypso Calor

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: what's that smell? (open)   what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 10:37 am

Calypso gave Michelle a wolfish smile when she smiled. ''It's amazing that we spent a lot of time with wolves and now we are wolves!'' She exclaimed, giving a small howl in happiness but that quickly disappeared at her question. Staring into the distance, as her eyes glazed with memories flashing in her mind. ''I like to think some days that I do not have a family...Let's just say I have scars from how much they hated me. I do not...speak of my past so please...don't ask again.'' Her voice was dark, much different to what it was before and it showed that this was the end of the discussion. Despite not being an alpha or anywhere near it, her voice demanded to be heard.
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Michelle Hastings
Michelle Hastings

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: what's that smell? (open)   what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 2:24 pm

Michelle noddded quietly. She understood if she didn't like about her parents, she was okay about and she wasn't really intrested about talking her of past too. "Oh, yeah I know how you feel about talking about past, I don't like talking about either. Okay my parents didn't hate me but still they aren't anymore with me," she said quietly and looked at the Calypso. She was sorry about asking that, she shouldn't have asked it.
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Calypso Calor
Calypso Calor

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: what's that smell? (open)   what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 4:04 pm

Calypso huffed and shook her mane. ''I only talk about it to people I'm close to...I've not even told my pack.'' She muttered sadly and scratched at the floor with her large paw. ''Family is important. The pack is best find yours again.'' She said.
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Michelle Hastings
Michelle Hastings

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what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: what's that smell? (open)   what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 7:22 pm

Michelle nodded. "Basically same here," she said, in her old town everyone knew what happend with her parents but here noone seemed to know and that all happend so long time ago. "Yeah I know and I hope I find it soon," she said.
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Calypso Calor
Calypso Calor

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Location : Forks

what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: what's that smell? (open)   what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 9:14 pm

Calypso yawned, her ear twitching thanks to some sounds around the forest and she turned back to Michelle. ''I never looked for a home and found one in seven months.. You've been searching for a while..It'll come to you when fate feels like you truly want a place. That's what someone told me.'' She admitted.
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Michelle Hastings
Michelle Hastings

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Join date : 2014-06-06

what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: what's that smell? (open)   what's that smell? (open) - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 21, 2014 7:45 am

She smiled on that. It was good thing to say. "Yeah I hope it will be true. Being alone always is not fun anymore. I have began to miss talking with someone. So it's finally good thing to talk with someone," she said then and was wondering what her fate will bring to her.
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